Peregrine Falcon
Photo by Randall Patterson
Peregrine Falcon - Denton Co., October 14, 2018
Photo by Bob Stone
Peregrine Falcon - John Bunker Sands Wildlife Area, Dallas Co., May 3, 2011
Photos by Laura Bunton
Peregrine Falcon - Village Creek, Tarrant County, April 14, 2009
Photos by Laura Bunton
Peregrine Falcon - Village Creek, Tarrant County, April 14, 2009
Photo by Ken Nanney
Peregrine Falcon. July 17, 1980. Possum Kingdom Lake, Palo Pinto County.
This unique record remains an enigma. Late migrant? Early migrant? Does a pair or two perhaps nest somewhere in a remote canyon along the Brazos River in Palo Pinto or Young Counties? I first spotted the falcon standing on the beach on the unsettled north shore of the lake as I cruised along in my boat. I viewed it well enough to determine that it showed no signs of being an escaped falconer's bird and that it was of the southern "anatum" form rather than the far northern "tundrius". I was so dumbfounded by the sighting that I forgot to take a picture until the falcon had taken flight and towered high in the sky [Ken Nanney].