Least Grebe
Photo by Ed Wetzel
Least Grebe w/young - Tarrant Co., June 2, 2020
Photos by Ed Wetzel
Least Grebe on Nest (L) and with Chick (R) - Tarrant Co., May 26 and 27, 2020. First nest record for North-central Texas
Photo by Laura Bunton
Least Grebe - August 8, 2009 , Village Creek Drying Beds, Tarrant Co.
Photo by Greg Cook
Least Grebes - July 24, 2009, John Bunker Sands Wetland, Kaufman Co.
This is the second summer in which Least Grebes have shown up in North-central Texas. There are other sightings this summer season, including observations at the Village Creek Drying Beds.
Photo by Ken Nanney
Least Grebe - (pair) Village Creek Drying Beds, Tarrant County, September 29, 2008
Photo by Greg Cook
Least Grebe - Village Creek, Tarrant Co., June 8, 2008
Photo by Greg Cook
Least Grebe - Village Creek, Tarrant Co., June 8, 2008
Photo by Ken Nanney
Least Grebe - Village Creek Drying Beds. Arlington, Texas. Tarrant County, May 26, 2008. These are the first records of Least Grebe that we have in the NCTX area. There were as many as four observed on June 19th. Another was observed in Dallas County.