Blue-winged Teal
Photo by Ken Nanney
Blue-winged Teal - Village Creek Drying Beds, Tarrant County, April 25, 2010
Photo by Ken Nanney
Blue-winged Teal - Village Creek Drying Beds, Tarrant County, April 4, 2010
Photo by Ken Nanney
Blue-winged Teal - Village Creek Drying Beds, Tarrant County, March 29, 2009
Photo by Ken Nanney
Cinnamon Teal X Blue-winged Teal hybrid (Anas cyanoptera X Anas discors)
Village Creek Drying Beds. Arlington, Texas. Tarrant County. 4 March 2009.
Photo by Ken Nanney
Blue-winged Teal with ducklings. June 26, 1989. Millers Creek Lake. Throckmorton County. Latilong Quad 19 Antelope Creek SW of the Texas Breeding Bird Atlas Project.
It was not unusual to find Blue-winged Teal pairs or females with ducklings on the large and small water bodies of Throckmorton County when I was visiting this area regularly during the summer in the 1980's and 90's [Ken Nanney].