Bulletin Board - Participant Contributions

NEW: Dallas Sparrow Matrix has been added to the download section by Linda Ford

1. Passenger Pigeon Video, submitted by Sharon Barr

2. Volume I of BirdLife International's Illustrated Checklist of the Birds of the World has just been released. Volume II is scheduled for release in 2016. Detailed information on the content is in the link below. Submitted by Carrie McLaughlin


3. Solar plants incinerate birds:

http://bigstory.ap.org/article/emerging-solar-plants-scorch-birds-mid-air :submitted by CM.

4. The new Cerulean Warbler Conservation Plan (English and Spanish)

http://www.abcbirds.org/abcprograms/international/CERW_plan.pdf is worth reviewing, for those who are concerned about the CERW, the golden-winged warbler and more. Submitted by CM

5. This is the 18 point proposal submitted to the USFWS on August 6, 2014 under the American Bird Conservancy's filed objections to the current proposal allowing companies to take large numbers of golden and bald eagles. It is a thorough, reasoned, and viable plan for safer wind energy projects throughout the flyways - not just the one under current discussion.


6. Likewise, here are the well-researched and footnoted objections by the American Bird Conservancy regarding the proposal by the US Army Corps of Engineers to kill 10,000 breeding pairs of Double Crested Cormorants out of the 15,000 pairs currently inhabiting East Sand Island.


7. Importantly, National Geographic and Environmental Health News have partnered to produce a critically acclaimed six-week video series entitled Winged Warnings:

http://www.environmentalhealthnews.org/ehs/news/2014/aug/wingedwarnings1summary .Submitted by CM.